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Meet Your UC Merced Tour Guides

UC Merced Tour Guides

Tour Guides 2018
UC Merced Tour Guides, 2018-2019

Student Tour Guide Leadership Team


Natalie M. - Tour Guide Captain

Natalie MHello and welcome, future Bobcats!!

My name is Natalie and I am from the San Fernando Valley, which is in Southern California. I am a huge Dodgers fan!! I am currently a fourth year, majoring in psychology with a minor in interdisciplinary public health. After graduation I hope to continue my education by going to graduate school. Not only am I a full time student and a tour guide, but I was also given the opportunity to be involved in numerous clubs on campus such as Bobcat Dance Team, InterVarsity and a social sorority Kamma Kamma Gamma which I am currently the Vice President-Organization for. Some of my interests are baseball, dance, football, and listening to music. Now that I am starting my fourth year of school, I can see the positive impact the campus has had on my peers and myself. I love the school more and more each day! I can’t wait for you to come visit and experience all the love we have here at University of California, Merced! Hope to see you soon!!



Alondra C. - Logistics Chair

Alondra C.

Greetings future and current college attendees! My name is Alondra Calderon and I am currently a third year, first generation political science major with a double minor in psychology and cognitive science. I am from a small town known as Porterville, CA which is two hours away from campus. Besides being a fellow tour guide, I am also part of the campus community through my involvements that include, but are not limited to: The Fiat Lux Program, UROC Scholars Program, and Vice President of Best Buddies. If you choose to take a tour I will be very excited to share my journey and a little more about myself as well as being a part of your decision on whether UC Merced is a place you can call home for the years you come to study here! Other than that always remember to stay hydrated and try your best!


Teanna H. - Unity Chair

Hello!  My name is Teanna and I am a fourth year environmental engineering major from Costa Mesa, CA. On campus, I used to be involved in research with the Vernal Pools and Grassland Reserve and am currently on the club golf team. Off campus, I am a CASA volunteer and love to play guitar, cook, and paint.

With my degree, I wish to go into general sustainability or go to graduate school for mechanical engineering (or maybe a combination of both!). I was admitted to UC Merced through the Count Me In program and honestly, I cannot see myself being anywhere else. I am thankful for the opportunities, resources, and friends this campus has brought me and I hope to see you here one day too!


Derrick V. - Recruitment Co-Chair

What's up Bob-kitties,

My name is Derrick from Roseville, CA, and I'm a third year psychology major at UC Merced! I love dancing, writing poetry, and helping people! I'm an aspiring psychiatrist (which makes me a pre-med student) with big goals to reinvent psychiatric treatment and social stigma surrounding mental disorders.

On campus, I am a part of various clubs/organizations, such as Global Brigades, the American Medical Student Association, Phi Delta Epsilon pre-medical fraternity, Lambda Alliance, and Best Buddies! I live my life in constant hopes that I am able to better someone else's life with compassion and empathy. The University helped me with this by assisting in my evolution as a person and as a student. I have never been more interested in the actual knowledge that I harvest from the various classes/research labs here at the UC! I hope you have a great time at our campus!


Madely M. - Recruitment Co-Chair

Madely M P

Hola y bienvenidos!

My name is Madely. I was born in Mexico but moved to Roseville, CA at the age of seven. I am currently a senior studying biological sciences with an emphasis in developmental biology. After graduation, I will be pursuing medical school to be a naturopathic doctor. In addition to being a student, I have had the opportunity to part take in the Fiat Lux Scholars Program, Dance Coalition, and a social sorority Delta Delta Delta. Overall, UC Merced gives its students countless opportunities to excel in academics, research, extracurricular activities, and overall experiences that will shape us for the future. I am excited to show you all my lovely campus and my home away from home! See you soon!


Student Tour Guides

Alyssa M.

Hello Future Bobcats! My name is Alyssa and I am currently a third year student at the University of California, Merced. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley which is located near Los Angeles. I am currently studying politcal science. I hope to further my education after my undergrad to attend law school and then work as a lawyer for professional athletes. Some of my interests are going to baseball games, Audrey Heburn, and traveling! My involvements on campus include being a member of a social sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and I also serve as Executive Vice President of Panhellenic on our Fraternity and Sorority Council. In addition, I am always actively looking to further my involvement within this campus and take advantage of every single opportunity that UC Merced has to offer. Come visit UC Merced to see why it is my home away from home and discover the countless opportunities this campus has for you! Lastly, GO BOBCATS!


Andrea C.

Hellooooo, future Bobcats!!!

My name is Andrea Cervantes and I am currently a fourth year student, psychology major with a minor in Spanish. After I finish college, my goal is to finish my pre-requisites in order to go to medical school to pursue my dream of becoming a psychiatrist. I am from Baldwin Park, CA, a small town in the Los Angeles area. Apart from being a tour guide for our beautiful campus, I am a part of a social sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, in which I have held several leadership positions such as Secretary and New Member Chairman. UC Merced has given me so many opportunities to grow as a person and continue my education in such a welcoming environment. I can't wait to show you how much I love this campus and all of its beauty.


Andrew S.

What’s up, Bobcats and future Bobcats, 

My name is Andrew Salas. I‘m a first year from Castro Valley, CA and majoring in management and business economics. First, I am a soccer player to the fullest. Other extra curriculars I enjoy doing are dancing, cooking, running, camping, reading, and a bit of modeling that I do on the side. Two fun facts about myself include being able to whistle and communicate with birds and flipping an egg WITHOUT the spatula. Most importantly, I chose to attend UC Merced because of the beautiful campus as well as all the nice and supportive people always there for you; however, what sealed the deal in my case was the way that I could see myself fitting in and making something happen. Overall, I am beyond excited for a new experience and ready for wherever college life will end up taking me.

David A.

Good morning/afternoon everybody.

My name is David Ian; you can just call me by my middle name, Ian, like everyone else does. I’m a second year computer science and engineering major at UC Merced.  That means I spend a majority of my time doing critical thinking and a ton of math. If anyone has any questions regarding the engineering department and what classes you’d be taking, feel free to ask me. I welcome you, future perspective Bobcats, and can’t wait to see you!



Dianna L.

Hello fellow Bobcats!

My name is Dianna Liakos, and I'm a third year molecular biology major, pursuing a career in the medical field. I am from Roseville, CA, but I typically like to say I am from Sacramento! Some of my interests include dancing, shopping, and going to the gym. In addition to being a tour guide, you can see me on campus serving as Vice President of Programming for Phi Delta Epsilon, working at the Recreation Center, or a part of other on-campus organizations such as Global Medical Training, Breaking the Stigma, and Campus Activities Board. Some fun facts about me are that I love to travel and recently visited Panama and Spain; I plan to travel much more in the future. I am so proud of the achievements of UC Merced and am excited to be representing a University that is constantly improving and giving back to their students! UC Merced has been an amazing place to embark on my journey to medical school, and I can't wait to share my experiences with you.


Elizabeth G.

Hi future Bobcats!

My name is Elizabeth and I am a fourth year transfer student from Fresno, CA. I am currently majoring in psychology with a minor in political science. I have huge dreams after graduation to work as a forensic clinical psychologist with the FBI and am actively in the process of applying to clinical psychology Ph.D programs!

I am so lucky to be a member of Psi Chi/Psychology Club, the President of American Red Cross Club, an Associated Students of UC Merced Senator At-Large, as well as a research lab assistant here on campus. I also work in the community with a local social worker mentoring young, underprivileged youth in Merced. Outside of academics, I love going to the gym almost as much as I love eating In-N-Out. I fall in love with our campus more and more everyday. UC Merced truly has something for everyone and I hope you join our Bobcat family!


Erika M.

Hello to all!

My name is Erika and although I was born in Mexico I have lived in Merced for most of my life! I am a proud first gen college student. Currently, I am a second year student studying under the cognitive science major. If I’m not in class or at the Lantern Cafe waiting for my iced coffee, I’m probably at a concert.

I love live music vibes and adore music, in general. I hope to conduct research of my own one day and plan on working with children and the different ways that the human brain develops over time. UC Merced is the perfect environment for me to accomplish all of my goals and I am excited to see what my journey holds! I hope to see you very soon!


Evelyn R.

Hello! My name is Evelyn Rodarte.

I go by Eve as well. I am from Koreatown, Los Angeles. I am a third year psychology major with a minor in creative writing. UC Merced is the perfect place for growth. We are a growing campus and because of this many students have the opportunity to grow along side campus. Whether it's by joining organizations, doing research, or working on campus, etc., every student will have the chance to contribute to the growth of UC Merced. Are you ready for growth?



Filiberto D.

Hey peeps! My name is Filiberto, but I also go by Fili.

I am a second-year majoring in human biology and minoring in psychology. I was born and raised in Merced. Yes, I am a proud native. On-campus, I take part in the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) and volunteer at the Early Child Education Center (ECEC). I have partaken in a research internship called Primary Care Research associated with Livingston Community Health. My team and I worked on researching and understanding heart disease and strokes.

Later we added that information onto an app to make healthcare more accessible to people. My goal after UC Merced is to go to medical school. I aspire to one day become a physician maybe with a specialty in cardiology, neurology, or pediatrics. Fun fact, I love being in a hospital environment, helping those in need, and love hospital food so much that I invested 3 years of my life volunteering at Mercy Medical Center. UC Merced's faculty made my experience here amazing. From my caring advisors to my biology professors they all helped guide me in the correct academic path leading me closer to my professional academic goals. I can’t wait to share with you my love for this campus. See you soon!


Gabriela D.

Hey everyone! My name is Gabriela Diaz. I am a third year transfer student from Modesto Junior College. I come from the little town of Ceres, CA. I am currently enjoying the study of psychology and exploring different subjects outside of my major too. I love learning about individuals and how individuals work as a whole. I hope to pursue a wonderful career, passionately serving others in a way that I can create positive social change. I am a research assistant for the Health and Stress Lab on campus. In addition to that, I am a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, as well as a scholar in the Transfer Returning Veteran Program. My past involvements include Merced County Project 10%, the Bobcat Leadership Series, Investments Lab, and my awesome position as an Orientation Leader this summer. Something I now look forward to is studying abroad in Scotland fall 2019! UC Merced has definitely enhanced my academic experience and I am excited to share more of this journey with you!


Gisselle R.

Hello and welcome future Bobcats! My name is Gisselle.

I am a second year public health major and I am from Los Angeles, CA. A little more about me - I am Director of Academic Affairs for ASUCM and I am part of the archery team on campus!. Anytime I am not running up and down campus, I am most likely studying on the fourth floor of Kolligian Library, hanging by the Lantern Café, or I am on a nature walk at Yosemite Lake.

During my time at UCM I hope to partake in research focused around public health to gain more knowledge about the factors that can influence health of status of a community as whole. I also hope to one day attend grad school in the future and thank this amazing campus for the all the plentiful opportunities it has given me to grow and thrive. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this incredible journey here at UC Merced!

Helen H.

Hey there bobcats!

My name is Helen and I'm a second year human biology major with a minor in philosophy. I'm from sunny Fresno, CA, but I've also lived throughout the Bay Area. I love to fence and was the past social chair of the fencing club, I'm a part of the academic committee in my professional fraternity, Delta Epsilon Mu, and I'm an Associate Justice in ASUCM. In my free time I love to cook and bake using the ingredients found at our weekly Merced Farmer's Market. On the weekends I love to fish and hike around Lake Yosemite!



Husnar Tanver

Hello everyone. My name is Husnar Tanver.

I an a third year public health major. I am from Madera, CA. I am involved in MSA which is the Muslim Student Association and currently the President and SSA which is the Sikh Student Association. Some things I enjoy doing on my free time is hanging out with my friends, going to the gym and playing tennis. I am very excited to get to meet you all and looking forward to an amazing year.



Jaquelin G.

Hi future Bobcats!

My name is Jaquelin, but most people call me Jackie. I am a second year studying anthropology. I was born and raised in Echo Park, CA, a small town near Downtown Los Angeles. Besides being a new tour guide, I am a part of the Yosemite Leadership Program, and I'm excited to begin my Capstone project this year. I am also a part of a Christian Fellowship on campus called Chi Alpha. I was involved in the Conversation Partner Program this past year. I'm a Fiat Lux Scholar as well! A few of my passions include electronic dance music (EDM), Marvel, traveling, nature, and reading fantasy books. My dream is to become a park ranger and focus on Native American history and culture. I am excited for you all to visit the school and like it as much as I do!


Jose G.

What’s good!

My name is Jose Galvan and I am currently a third year mechanical engineering major. I am from Newport Beach, CA, and I love playing soccer. This will be my first year as a tour guide, and I am excited to give you a tour because you are reading my bio :D. I have also been apart of a multitude of organizations on campus such as: Resident Hall Association, Community Council, Campus Activities Board, and National Residence Hall Honorary. My personal goal as a tour guide is to ensure you’re leaving the tour with the hopes of one day being enrolled at UC Merced. Have an amazing day and don’t forget to sign up for a tour!


Jude G.

Hey y'all!

My name is Jude Gonzales and I am currently a second year with a political science major. I was born in the Philippines, then moved to Lake County, CA. I was raised there for my entire life until I moved over to Santa Rosa, CA, Sonoma County during my senior year of high school. I found that dancing was a newfound passion of mine. I ended up joining two of the dance teams at UC Merced, the INTRO Movement Dance Team, and the Pilipino American Alliance Modern. I enjoy socializing as I am part of the social fraternity, Pi Lambda Phi. Ultimately, I want to pursue higher education and become a lawyer in the future!


Kimberly C.

Hello Bobcats!

My name is Kimberly Castaneda, I'm a third year majoring in psychology and minoring in sociology. I am from Baldwin Park, CA, located in Los Angeles County. What I plan to do with my major is go into developmental psychology and work alongside kids/babies. Some of my interests include running, playing volleyball, and doing community service with kids. I've grown to love UC Merced and I'm honestly always learning more each day so I can't wait to share my journey & experience with you all. If you know me, you know I always have a smile on my face so never hesitate to come chit chat or say hi when you see me around!


Kyndra K.

Kyndra K

What's up future Bobcats!  Welcome to UC Merced! My name is Kyndra and I'm from Manteca, CA, which is about an hour north of Merced - Central Valley born and raised! I'm currently a third year cognitive science major and also a member of the women's soccer team at UC Merced. Go Bobcats! After UC Merced, my hope is to attend grad school to receive my master's degree in behavior and then work in behavioral analysis, specializing in the behavior of children with Autism. I love UC Merced because it offers countless opportunities that other UCs couldn't even dream of. I originally came to UC Merced to play soccer, but over time I fell in love with the campus. From its diversity, to our awesome research programs, to our rapidly expanding campus, it's everything an incoming college student could dream of and more!


Lucina A.

Hello Everyone!

My name is Lucina. Currently a third year with a psychology major and an interdisciplinary public health minor. I am from Oxnard, CA, located in Southern California. A little more about me - I am a scholar with Fiat Lux and currently hold an executive position as VP of SPLASH in the Generation to Generation Organization for this academic year. I joined clubs that emphasize my studies, one being Psychology Club. Additionally, I became a Peer Educator with VOICES and participated in the Bobcat Leadership Series. I also worked as an Orientation Leader this summer, welcoming new Bobcats and their families. Wow, I am always busy, right? But in my free time I enjoy doing community service, dancing with Dance Coalition, watching movies and doing art projects. Being at UC Merced gave me the opportunity to have a home away from home. I can't wait to show you how we are building the future in the heart of California! Come by and visit. Also, yo hablo espanol.


Santos T.

Hey Future Bobcats!

My name is Santos, I am a third year political science major from the Bay Area, specifically, San Leandro, CA. I am a member of Chi Alpha, a Student Faith Movement on campus and also part of the Intramural soccer team. When I am not hitting the books, you will see me at the field scoring goals like Lionel Messi or at the gym getting big! Overall, UC Merced has transformed me to a more professional and outgoing person. I am blessed to be part of the Bobcat family because of the amount of resources and opportunities for our students to achieve success in the future. I hope to see you here one day and show how to score a goal at UC Merced! GO BOBCATS!


Sabrina G.

Sabrina GHey, how's it going, future Bobcats? My name is Sabrina and I am a fourth year applied mathematics major with an emphasis in engineering and with a minor in natural science education. Once I graduate, I hope to work with airplanes and become a math teacher in the near future. I was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, which is about four hours away heading towards Southern California. On campus, I am currently involved in Ingenieros Unidos, where I serve as the Outreach Director, Hermanas Unidas, and the UC Merced Police Mentor Program. Some things about me is that I am a big fan of sports, obsessed with pasta, and love hanging out with my friends. Come visit UC Merced, so you can experience the endless possibilities the university has to offer, I know I have!